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September 2024

September 2, Monday - Labor Day
September 4, Wednesday - 4:00 Farmers' Market @ Harrison Smith Park
September 5, Thursday - Armadillo Solar Lunch & Learn Noon -1:00 pm @ Fort 88 - RSVP at
September 5, Thursday - Think Local, First Thursday 5:00 - 7:00 pm @ Downtown Upper Sandusky
September 5, Thursday - Hat Bar 5:00 - 7:00 @ Creekside Boutique & Marketplace - Base price for a
hat and 1 large sticker $18
September 5, Thursday - That Thursday Thing 3:00 - 4:00 @ Upper Sandusky Communiy Library for
kids of all ages ( crafts, games,& activities)
September 5, Thursday - reGroup Meeting for teens & parents 6:30 -8:00 pm @The Hub- Speaker:
Jodi Courtad-Holman, "Handling Anxiety and Stress"
September 7, Saturday - Farmers' Market 9:00 - noon @ Harrison Smith Park
September 8, Sunday - Wyandot County Fair Service 7:00 pm @ Masters' Building, Fairgrounds
Speaker: Pastor Barry Halter - offering to go to Open Door
September 9, Monday - Start of the Wyandot County Fair @ Wyandot County Fairgrounds - Parade
6:30; County High School Band Show 7:30 @ Grandstand
September 10, Tuesday -Veteran's Day at the fair,County High School Music Shosw 7:00@ Masters'
September 10, Tuesday -Painted Mason Jar Apple Craft 6:00pm @ Mohawk Community Library -
register at 419-927-2407
September 11, Wednesday -- Senior Citizens' Day at the fair - $3 admission Age 62 & older - Senior
Citizens Activities from Council on Aging @ Masters Building - Gospe Music 1:00 to 7:00 pm @ Masters' Building
September 11, Wednesday - Farmers' Market 4:00 @ Harrison Smith Park
September 12, Thursday - Lunch with Friends (For individuals who have lost a spouse or partner)
Participants pay for own lunch - foe more information, call Sandy Green
at 419-294-5787
September 12, Thursday -- Venison Chili 4:00 @ Conservation Building; Bulls & Barrels Rodeo 7:00
pm @ Fairgrounds Grandstand
September 13, Friday - Wyandot County Fair - COSI Science Show 1:00 pm @ North Stage ; Kiddie Tractor Pull 4:00 pm @ Arena ; Demolition Derby 7:00 pm @ Grandstand $10
September 14, Saturday - Wyandot County Fair -Jr. Fair Livestock Sale 9:00 am @ Arena; Culinary Contests 1:00 @ Masters Building; Tractor Pull 6:30 pm @ Grandstand $10 Strong Buck Hill Concert 9:00 pm @ North Stage (free); Closing of 172nd Wyandot County Fair 12:00 am
September 15, Sunday - Mass 10:00 @ Fairgrounds Masters' Building
September 16, Monday - Taste of History Taste and learn about English foods from the 1600s 6:00
pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - to register call 419-294-1345
September 17, Tuesday - Common Readers Discussion 6:30 - The First Ladies by Marie Benedict &
Victoria Christopher Murray @ Upper Sandusky Community Library
September 18, Wednesday - Farmers' Market 4:00 @ Harrison Smith Park
September 18, Wednesday - Third Wednesday in Carey 4:00 - 7:00 pm @ Uptown Carey - Farmers'
Market, Store Specials, food trucks, street venders, Gospel Singing and
September 19, Thursday - Astralis Chamber Ensemble 7:00 pm @ O)ur Lady of Cosolation Upper
Basilica. The ensemble, a qu7artet consisting of flute, violin, cello, and
harpsichord will perform a concert titled "Baroque Discoveries." The
concert is free and open to the public.
September 19, Thursday - Wyandot County Historical Society presentation 7:00 pm @ the Wyandot
County Museum. The speaker will be Austin Waxler who will be
speaking on "Travels in Southern Greece."
September 19, Thursday - reGroup Meeting for teens & parents 6:30 - 8:00 @ The Hub Topic "How to
Disagree with Respect"
September 21, Saturday - Farmers' Market 9:00 - noon @ Harrison Smith Park
September 21, Saturday - Community Meal & Food Distribution 10:00 - noon @ St. Paul Lutheran
September 22, Sunday - Ride to the "The Bikeriders" 10:00 am @ Route 30 Harley-Davidson - Ride to
the Kenton movie theatre for a private showing of "The Bikeriders" With a
stop at the Kenton Eagles for breakfast - breakfast at your own expense and
movie tickets $10
September 22, Sunday- Old Fashion Stew dinner to benefit the Overland Inn 11:30 @the Wuandot
County Museum - Stew will be made in a kettle on the museum lawn.
Dinner will include stew, cornbread, hot dogs or bratwurst, dessert, and
September 23, Monday - Upper Sandusky Fall Clean-up on regular Garbage Day
September 23, Saturday - Farmers' Market 9:00 - noon @ Harrison Smith Par
September 23, Saturday - Lunch Bunch - noon -Bring a Paula Deen dish, the recipe, and your own
drink @ Upper Sandusky Community Library
September 24, Tuesday - Donations for the plant & seed swap can be brought to the library through
Sept. 25 during regular library hours @ Upper Sandusky Community
September 25, Wednesday- Farmers' Market 4:00 @ Harrison Smith Park
September 25, Wednesday - Inglorious Bookworms Discussion 6:00 pm @Don Tomasso's -
discussion of The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi
September 26, Thursday - Fall Plant aand Seed Swap @Upper Sandusky Community Library - also
Sept 27 during regular library hours
September 26, Thursday - Annual Wyandot Chamber of Comerce Annual Steak Fry 5:00 pm @
Carey Brewing Station go to for tickets
September 26, Thursday - Council on Aging Thursday Lunch noon @ Trinity Evangelical Church -
Speaker: Sheriff Todd Frey "Keys to Safety" RSVP to Council on Aging $5
September 28, Saturday - Pancake Breakfast 7:00 am -10:30 am @Upper Sandusky Fire Department
- donation
September 28, Saturday - Farmers' Market 9:00 - noon @ Harrison Smith Par
September 28, Saturday - Wyandot Classic and Cruisers Annual Cruise-in @ downtown Upper
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