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October 2024

1, Tuesday - Boo to the Flu and car seat check 3:00 - 6:00 pm @ Trinity Evangelical Church
2, Wednesday - Voting Education Event 6:00 - 7:00 @ Angeline School, 11028 CH 44, Upper Sandusky
2, Wednesday - American Sign Language Review Course @ Upper Sandusky Community Library -
class held every Wed. in Oct.
2, Wednesday - Upper Sandusky Homecoming Parade
2, Wednesday -Clueless in the Kitchen 3:30 - 4:30 @ Dorcas Carey Public Library - for grades 6 - 12
3, Thursday - Think Local - First Thursday 5:00- 7:00 pm @ downtown Upper Sandusky
3, Thursday - That Thursday Thing 3:00 - 4:00 @ Upper Sandusky Community Library- for kids of all
​3, Thursday -Regroup Meeting for Teens and Parents 6:30 - 8:00 pm @ The Hub (535 N. Hazel St.)
5, Saturday - Farmers' Market 9:00 - noon @ Harrison Smith Park
5, Saturday - Blessing of the Pets 10:30 am @ First Evangelical Lutheran Churcj North Parking Lot
(601 N. Sandusky Ave.) -Any pet welcome, secure as necessary
6, Sunday - Stone Soup Event 4:00 pm @ Elm Hill Nature's Edge, Carey Ohio -
Celebrate the bounty of harvest time - Bring extre produce to add to the soup if you like-
there will also be bread, desserts and sides - There will also be a bonfire for children to
make s'mores
7, Monday - Crazy Crafters 11:00 am, 1:00 & 6;00 pm @ Dorcas Carey Public Library -Poison apples
8, Tuesday -Early Voting Begins (until Nov. 3)
8. Tuesday -Craft Night 6:00 - 7:00 pm @ Mohawk Community Library - fall acorns
10, Thursday - Lunch with Friends noon (for individuals who have lost a spouse or partner -
participants purchase their own meals - call 419-294-5787 for more information
10, Thursday - Craft Party 6:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - registration is required
(419-294-1345) creating an Autumn book witch
11, Friday - Scare Fair 8:00 pm - midnight @ Wyandot County Fairgrounds-also Oct. 12, 18, & 19 -
Admission $10
12, Saturday - Farmers' Market 9:00 - noon @ Harrison Smith Park
13, Sunday - Prayer Service for the unborn 2:00 - 3:00 pm @ Our Lady of Consolation Shrine Park (315
Clay St. Carey)
15, Tuesday - Common Readers 6:30 @ Upper Sandusky Community Library- Beartown by Fredrik
16, Wednesday- Third Wednesday 4:00 - 7:00 @ downtown Carey - food trucks & farmers' market
16, Wednesday - Wyandot Career Showcase 8:00 am - 2:30 pm @ Master's Building, Wyandot County
17, Thursday - Thursday Evening at the Museum 7:00 pm @ Wyandot County Museum -
Speakers:Bridgette & Dave Moscato from MCCutchenville "Deceased Vintage"
17, Thursday -Open Door Chocolate Walk 5:30 - 7:00 pm @ downtown Upper Sandusky - limited
tickets $25 each
17, Thursday - Interactive Movie Night 5:30 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - showing
"Beetlejuice" - dress up as your favorite character - for kids 5th grade and up, adults
must be accompanied by a tween or teen - registration required
19, Saturday - Food Distribution 10:00 am -noon @ St. Paul Lutheran Church (120 N. 8th St.)
19, Saturday - Murder Mystery "I Love the 80's to Death" 5:00 @ Moreno's Vault (101 W. Findlay St.,
Carey - 3 course dinner including one drink and a murder mystry to solve $75.
20, Sunday - Kiwanis Fall Festival 2:00 - 4:00 pm @ Waterworks Park, Carey
21, Saturday - Sycamore Halloween Parade @ 6:30 pm
23, wednesday - Inglorious Bookworms 6:00 @ Don Tomasso's Restaurant - Dead Silence by S.A. Barns
24, Thursday - "The Day the Internet Died" 7:30 @ Star Theatre - also Oct. 26, & at 2:00 pm 0n 27​
24, Thursday -Sycamore Trick or Treat 4:00 - 6:00
26, Saturday - A Walk Through Old Mission Cemetery 1:30 & 3:00 - A Wyandot Co. Museum event
26, Saturday - Upper Sandusky Trick or Treat 5:00 - 7:00, Carey Trick or Treat 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm,
McCutchenville parade and costume judging 4:30 with Trick or Treat at 5:30 - 7:00 pm
28, Monday - Lunch Bunch noon @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - theme is fall dishes
29, Tuesday - Jack-o Lantern Jubilee 5:30 @ Upper Sandusky Community Library - for ages 15 and
under - must be accompanied by an adult -0 pumpkin carving tools provided -
registration required call 419-294-1345
31, Thursday - Upper Sandusky Halloween Parade - line up at 6:00 and step off at 6:30
Halloween Themed Activities, Trick or Treat, S'mores & treats - A Wyandot Soil & Water
District Event
31, Thursday - S'more Party & Pumpin Glow 6:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library
backyard - children must be accompanied by an adult
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