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November 2024

3, Sunday - Daylight savings time ends "Fall Back" 1 hour
4, Monday - Crazy Crafters 11:00, 1:00, & 6:00 @ Dorcas Carey Public Library
5, Tuesday - Election Day - Trinity United Church of Christ annual Election Day lunch/dinner 11:00
am -7:00 pm@ McCutchenville UCC Church (SR 53) -St. Paul Lutheran Church Election
Night Spaghetti Dinner 4:00 - 6:30 pm @ 120 N. 8th St. - Wharton Election Day Lunch
/Dinner, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm@ Wharton Methodist Church All are dine in or take out
6, Tuesday - Crazy Crafters 11:00, 1:30. & 6:00 pm @ Dorcas Carey Library to register, call 419-396-
7921 (Harvest Pocket Tin Holder)
6, Tuesday - Clueless in the Kitchen 3:30 pm @ Dorcan Carey Library
7, Thursday - Falling Into Winter reversible craft - adults are welcome if accompanied by a teen or
tween 6:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community Library to register, call 419-294-1345
7, Thursday -Thursday Evenings at the Museum 7:00 pm - Speaker Reuben DeBolt, son of the Battle of
the Bulge veteran, Topic "Remembeering the Battle of the Bulge"
8, Friday - United Way Coffee Craw 8:00 - 10:00 am @ Becca House Coffee (965 E. Wyandot Ave.
8, Friday - 11, Monday - Wyandot County Museum's Veteran's Display 1:00 - 5:00 pm (130 S. 7th St.)
Raffle drawing at 4:00 pm on Veterans
12, Tuesday - Create a button pumpkin on canvas 6:00 pm @ Mohawk Community Library - to
register, call 419-927-2407
13, Wednesday - Community Meal 5:00 pm until food runs out @ John Stewart Methodist Church
14, Thursday - Craft Party 6:00 by Rachel Keirns-Moore 6:00 @ Upper Sandusky Community Library -
Adults only - make a stuffed and stacked pumpkin display - registration required- call
18, Monday - Taste of History - Patti Davidson And husband Tony will teach you about recipes and
cultures from all over the world and history 6:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky Community
Library to register, call 419-294 1345
18, Monday -Holiday Book Festival 7:00 @ Mohawk Community Library
20, Wednesday - Inglorious Bookworms 6:00 @ Don Tomasso's Book: Open and Shut by David
20, Wednesday - Carey Page Turners 6:30 @ Dorcas Carey Public Library Book: The Gold in these
Hills by Joanne Bischof
21, Thursday - Kids' Market ( venders under 18) @ The Hub (535 N. Hazel St.) - to register, go to events
23, Saturday - Mohawk Craft Festival 9;00 - 3:00 pm @ Mohawk High School $2 admission
25, Monday - Lunch Bunch 12:00 pm Theme: brunch dishes @ Upper Sandusky Community Library
27, Wednesday & 28, Thursday - Fantasy of Lights Walk-Through @ Harrison Smith Park
28, Thursday - Thanksgiving Day - Worship Service 8:30 @ Old Mission Church
29, Friday - Dec. 30 -Drive through Fantasy of Lights $10
30, Saturday - Upper Sandusky Music Boosters Craft Bazaar 9:00 am -2:00 pm @ Upper Sandusky
High School
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