The Sandusky Plains were once home to wandering bands of Wyandot and Delaware Native Americans, and early settlers endured a hard pioneer life. William Crawford led his famous expedition here in 1782, and Fort Ferree was built during the War of 1812. Over the years, Wyandot County has been home to many other important events and people. Astronaut Neil Armstrong attended Upper Sandusky Junior High, and Upper Sandusky High School held the first all-night prom in 1948, which was featured in Look magazine. The famous television comedian Cliff Arquette hailed from Carey, and Lovell is close to one of the largest solar fields east of the Mississippi River. The Mission Church, Indian Mill and Colonel Crawford Monument link the county to its rich heritage, and the Lincoln Highway connects it with the rest of the nation. Each town in Wyandot County has contributed to its growth and prosperity, making it a great place to raise a family.

Through detailed descriptions and explanations, look through old-time photographs of all the happenings in Wyandot County throughout the decades. For more information, or to purchase, click on the picture.

Go back thousands of years to the beginning of Wyandot County and learn of the all the accomplishments and trials that the generations faced. For more information, or to purchase, click on the picture.

Through detailed descriptions and explanations, look through old-time photographs of all the happenings in Wyandot County throughout the decades. For more information, or to purchase, click on the picture.