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Harrison Smith's Lights

Since 1997, Harrison Smith Park, just east of downtown Upper Sandusky, is transformed into a fabulous light show for the month of December. Through the volunteer efforts of many individuals, organizations and businesses, the 33 acres of the park are ablaze with millions of lights and a myriad of unique light displays along the drive through the park.


A donation of $10.00 per car, $15 for commercial vans, and $50 for tour buses is requested: proceeds benefit the Village of Kirby (tornado siren & building), Upper Sandusky High School Tennis team (uodate lighting), & Wyandot County Council for Birth Defects (assisting special needs children)


Fantasy Walk - Nov. 27 & 28, 2024 (donations accepted)


Drive through Fantasy - Friday, Nov. 29 -Monday, Dec. 30 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm


Carriage Rides : $75 per ride- Dec. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17

call 419-294-2351 to schedule


Postcard nights -Dec. 2nd until gone


© 2016 Wyandot County Visitors' Bureau proudly created with

Call us:

(419) 294-3556

Find us: 

228 S. 8th St., Upper Sandusky, OH 43351

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